Who is Tuftinglove? - Tuftinglove

Who is Tuftinglove?

Welcome to the very first blog post on our new tuftinglove.com Shop!

I'm Jenni, the co-owner of Tuftinglove.com and you might already know me from our Youtube tutorials, Instagram or TikTok.....

So this is the first ever blog post I'm writing and since in school I always hated writing and loved mathematics this feels kinda weird to do. 

Writing for sure is not a natural skill for me, but I'm here to learn and to tell you, I'm trying to write a blog for you now every week 🤯  I feel the urge to share the knowledge about tufting and give you more insights to Tuftinglove.com. I started this company with my partner Björn because I wanted to start tufting and there was literally nothing accessible in europe.
So here we are, doing this for over a year already and having loads of big big plans for the future. But let’s head back to the new blog. I’m not here to give away too many things yet.

The blog will be linked to the content you see on our socials and I will try to take the time to explain things a bit more detailed and show you more behind the scenes content on what it looks and feels like to run a tufting online shop, workshops and so on.

We will talk about tufting machines, why to use tufting cloth and not burlap or monks cloth as  tufting fabric, how we decide on what yarn we offer in the shop and why you should use rug wool and not acrylic yarn for a rug and why it doesn't matter when you make a wall piece. We will talk about how to fix tufting machines and the spare parts you might use. And so on and on, until we covered everything about tufting, the materials…. and my guess is, we will probably never reach that point 🤣


So let's get this thing started…. with a little introduction of myself, so you know who is talking to you here 💁🏻

I’m Jenni, 31 years old, most of the time feeling like 21, sometimes even like 12 and after a long night out like 50. Because really, when the heck did I get 31 years old and shouldn’t I have figured out some more things about life by now?
I live with my husband and partner in crime for Tuftinglove, Björn, in Switzerland and if it would not be for Björn, Tuftinglove.com clearly would not exist in the way it does today, if it even existed.
Before Covid, and still part time now, I used to be a light designer and technician for bands and venues. My life consisted of mainly being away on tour or working long nights at local venues. But then Covid came around the corner and the tour I was on finished a few days earlier than expected. I cried in my parents home when the Swiss government announced that all things had to be shut down for an unknown time, not knowing how I would be able to make a living. That was March 17th in 2020.  I’ve signed a contract to have my own light studio starting the first of April, which obviously did not help at that time. Little did I know at this time that a bit more than a year later we would go online withtuftinglove.com.

So a few weeks later I discovered tufting on Instagram, like probably most of you did (or on TikTok) and since I can’t go easy on things I ordered everything I would need from america, waited like 6 months till it arrived and then finally started tufting. I started and I never stopped, and just like that, what was meant to be a light studio became a tufting studio. :) 
Below a picture of me and my very first tufted rug.

Soon my tufting cloth pile got smaller and smaller, the yarn disappeared quickly and I had to figure out where to get all the materials from. Björn, owner of an e-commerce company, was all like: ‘let’s start our own tufting supplies shop!’.
After doing research for a few weeks I got tired of it so I finally gave in and we started the company. That was in the beginning of 2021. In April 2021 we went online with the shop. Björn thought it would stay a small little cute tufting supplies shop with one type of yarn and some machines - me, on the other hand, already had a list of 100+ things I wanted to bring to the shop because I needed these for tufting myself.

So what initially was planned as a small side business is now almost my full time job (not paying rent thogh), keeping Björn busy most of the time too. Oftentimes I wonder how we ended up here…. I just can’t take things easily, it’s full power or nothing. 💛


So now you know a bit more about how this adventure started. And since you know that we do not have 200+ products in the shop yet, you might have also figured out that we have huge plans for this thing.

My number one goal is clearly to save you all the pain in the a** of googling most of the time instead of creating. Tuftinglove.com shall become the place where you find everything you need, get all the answers and that gives you the freedom to only create instead of figuring out how to get to the supplies.


In this reel you can leave a comment and let us know all the things you wanna see in this blog and all the products you are missing in the shop!

So all I want is to let you know: I’m in there with you! We do this for your creative freedom! We want to make supplies and knowledge easily accessible!

So let’s start this blog, grow, improve, take care of each other and ourselves and create a more colorful, exciting, creative and fluffy world!

I’m in! Are you in too?

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1 comment
  • H
    Hannah Kindler

    I am interested in a tufting class. If I see it right, the next class is in September? Or did I overlook something?